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Finding The One: We're In The Daily Hampshire Gazette

(Daily Hampshire Gazette) "It becomes real-world right away," Maggie said. "She told you not to think of it as a date — it's just a chance to meet."

Lanie also suggested a casual meetup — grabbing coffee, for instance, rather than dinner — before deciding on something more involved.

"It was very different than a lot of dating websites, where you're almost expected to know that it's right before you go on the first date," Mark said. "Which is almost impossible."

"You almost build up expectations that aren't realistic," Maggie added.

Following Lanie's advice, the two met for tea at The Roost in Northampton and had immediate chemistry on their first date, they recalled... Read the full story on Gazettenet.com

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"Andy and I have been continuing to see each other and really enjoying getting to know each other. I'm sure lots of people have told you to write a book with all of your sage advice about dating. It would be a best seller - you really know what you're doing!"


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