Anne And Rich

Dear Lanie, We are writing to thank you for bringing us together through Mass Match. It has been almost a year since we met,…
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Mass Match couple on the beach

A Special Offer

[Updated June 7] For a limited time, we're offering our most popular Meet The Matchmaker plan for the price of our most affordable Basic…
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A New Look

This fall, Mass Match will be getting a new look with a fresh design and other improvements — so stay tuned. Now is…
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Wonders Never Cease

Thanks for sharing this story! Hi Lanie, We were on the dock waiting to meet guests coming over from Bar Harbor to join us at…
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Sunny News

What better way to finally feel spring is upon us: Dear Lanie, We wanted to let you know that we are getting married tomorrow morning,…
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Love Notes

Hi Lanie, Joan here. Just letting you know that Philip and I are in our 12th year together & very happy. We owe it…
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"Andy and I have been continuing to see each other and really enjoying getting to know each other. I'm sure lots of people have told you to write a book with all of your sage advice about dating. It would be a best seller - you really know what you're doing!"


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